Instructions for Authors

Final paper submission

Conference Proceedings

Papers accepted in oral, poster and Data Workshop sessions are required to provide a full proceedings paper addressing the comments of the reviewers (comments are available on the paper submission website RADOCS) and expanding the work. The paper should be in the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science standard two-column format, using the templates below. For oral and poster papers, the manuscript must provide introductory material and context for the work. It must be clear what is new in the work, how it relates to other work in the field, and how it advances the state of the art. Related work must be referenced appropriately. Where possible, references to articles in the peer-reviewed literature should be provided, as opposed to sources that are non-archival, not reviewed, and/or difficult to obtain. A complete description of the work performed must be provided. Models should be verified by data or by some other means. There must be an analysis of data that provides conclusions that are general beyond the specific devices or system studied. The information provided must be sufficient for others to make use of the approach, results, etc., so that the impact is not limited to the particular system or application used in the manuscript. Overall, the work needs to be of an archival nature (e.g., not only test results on a particular part type, or analysis of a particular design, without illustration of generally applicable principles.)

The submission of the full paper on the RADOCS website for inclusion in the RADECS 2024 Conference Proceedings is due on Friday, September 13, 2024. This is a firm deadline. Papers not submitted on RADOCS by September 13 shall not be eligible for any of the RADECS 2024 paper awards.

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Papers accepted for oral, and poster presentation in the technical program will be eligible for publication in the RADECS 2024 special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS). Authors must upload their paper on TNS Manuscript Central by Friday, September 13, 2024. Selection for this issue will be based on a separate submission of a complete paper that will be subject to the standard full peer review. Papers accepted in the RADECS 2024 special issue of the IEEE TNS shall be removed from RADECS 2024 Conference Proceedings in order to avoid duplicate entries on IEEE Xplore (RADECS 2024 Conference Proceedings will be published after the publication of the RADECS 2024 TNS special issue).

To submit your RADECS paper for possible publication in TNS, you must upload your paper at the TNS Manuscript Central website. You will need to login to your account. If you are not sure whether you have an account on the system, click the “check for existing account” button and follow the instructions. If you do not have an account, you should click the “create a new account” button and follow those instructions.

  1. Submission of the first draft of the manuscript:
This upload must be completed at Manuscript Central website before midnight, September 13, 2024, for consideration for publication in the special issue of the TNS associated with RADECS 2024. Papers submitted after the deadline may still be considered for publication in the TNS, but may not be included in the special issue.

To submit, please go to “Author Center” and select “Start New Submission” and click on “Begin Submission”. You will be asked to fill in some details on your paper. Under “manuscript type”, select “RADECS 2024”. This is important to ensure the paper will be published in the appropriate issue of the journal. Enter the paper title and abstract as requested. Under the Paper Category “Radiation Effects” select the appropriate subject of the paper. Click on “save and continue” and continue to fill in the details as requested. When submitting the paper, please use a pdf version of the paper.

Authors should be aware that each manuscript will be checked for plagiarism before publication. If plagiarism is found, the manuscript will automatically be rejected. In addition, each manuscript will be checked to ensure that there is not excessive reuse of an author’s previously published material; the manuscript should contain significant new content beyond anything previously published. If it is determined that there is insufficient new content, the manuscript will be rejected.

  1. Submission of the revised version(s) of the manuscript:
Your revised manuscript (based on reviewers comments) will be uploaded in the same manner as the original manuscript. Please ensure that all substantial changes to the manuscript are easily apparent to the reviewers and editors. When you submit the revised version(s) of the manuscript, please again select "RADECS 2024" as the manuscript type.
  1. Upon final paper acceptance:
You will use the TNS Manuscript Central website to upload all materials for publication. Instructions for uploading final papers will be included in the final acceptance letter of notification. Your contributed manuscript should not be longer than 8 pages as it would appear in the journal (figures embedded, two column format, etc.), unless additional length is necessary and justified by the extent and significance of the new contributions described in the manuscript. Papers exceeding 8 pages will be evaluated carefully by reviewers and editors with an eye towards potential reductions of length. Because of this length requirement, all authors are required to format their paper from the beginning as it would appear in TNS. Proofreading the manuscript carefully before submission has been found to greatly streamline and enhance the value of the comments from the reviewers. Please pay particular attention to the quality of the figures and the completeness, accuracy, and formatting of the reference list. Endnote and Bibtex are good starting points for reference formatting, but generally do not match the TNS format fully. Authors are encouraged to refer to previously published works in the IEEE TNS to see examples of reference formats. We also request that authors avoid the use of E notation to denote exponentiation in an effort to provide a more uniform and professional appearance of text and graphics in TNS papers. Microsoft Word and Latex templates can be found on the TNS Manuscript Central website if desired. Login and then click on "Instructions and Forms" followed by "IEEE Publication Tools for Authors".

If you need further information please contact our Technical Chairs.