Donating trees for Gran Canaria

Call for Trees - RADECS Tree Planting Initiative

Tree planting in Gran Canaria by Foresta Foundation (Image: Foresta).

Tree planting in Gran Canaria by Foresta Foundation (Image: Foresta).

The northern part of the island of Gran Canaria benefits from Alisio winds and mountainous terrain, which provide sufficient humidity to support forested areas. These forests are crucial for the island’s ecosystem and provide opportunities for environmental education and agroforestry initiatives.

RADECS 2024 has partnered with the local FORESTA Canarian Foundation for Reforestation, engaged in reforestation projects with schools and unemployed individuals. Through this collaboration, new tree planting and environmental education activities will be facilitated. Given the recent wildfires in Gran Canaria, such reforestation initiatives are particularly important for the island. This RADECS 2024 tree planting initiative had even made it into the local La Provincia newspaper.

An unprecedented wildfire in Gran Canaria in August 2019 engulfing around 10 000 hectares of land, as seen by instrument of ESA Copernicus Sentinel-2A satellite (Image: ESA).

An unprecedented wildfire in Gran Canaria in August 2019 engulfing around 10 000 hectares of land, as seen by instrument of ESA Copernicus Sentinel-2A satellite (Image: ESA).

Local news article about RADECS 2024 tree planting initiative in La Provincia (

Local news article about RADECS 2024 tree planting initiative in La Provincia (

In addition, the RADECS Association has donated fifty trees on behalf of the RADECS community. These trees have been already planted at Pico el Rayo (near Teror), and the certificate of appreciation will be handed over during the RADECS 2024 Welcome Reception.

RADECS 2024 attendees can also contribute to tree planting in Gran Canaria:
Thank you for helping to make Gran Canaria greener!

How to donate trees:

Select and add a number of trees to your cart, and finalize purchase (purple).

Select and add a number of trees to your cart, and finalize purchase (purple).

You can select the number of trees to donate (blue), and also the multiplication factor (orange). Click on “Añadir Al Carrito” (add to cart) button, and “Finalizar Compra” (finish purchase, purple), then fill the form on the following page. Please note that fields marked with * must be filled, but if you don’t want to provide these info, you can fill them with random text. Please include the text “RADECS2024” in the “Notas del pedido” field (comments, red), so Foresta will customize your personal certificate with the RADECS 2024 logo. You must accept the terms and conditions as well (dark red).

You will receive a certificate of appreciation via email for the provided name, with the type, planting area and exact geographical coordinates of the planted trees.

During the RADECS 2024 Gala Dinner, we will thank all supporters for the tree donation (including you, if you wrote “RADECS2024” in the “Notas del pedido” comment field).

Add "RADECS2024" in the "Notas del pedido" comment field (red).

Add "RADECS2024" in the "Notas del pedido" comment field (red).

Accept the terms and conditions (dark red).

Accept the terms and conditions (dark red).