Call for Papers

The 2024 edition of the RADiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Conference will be held on 16–20 September at the ExpoMeloneras Conference Centre in the charming setting of Maspalomas, Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). It is organized by National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) on behalf of the RADECS Association and is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE-NPSS.

In addition to the usual RADECS topics, the Thematic Workshop of the 2024 edition will specifically address challenging topics in radiation testing with technical talks focusing on the present and future of SEE Testing with regard to various test facilities and testing methodologies.

The RADECS 2024 Conference is soliciting papers describing significant new findings or developments in the following areas:

  • Basic Mechanisms of Radiation Effects
  • Radiation Effects in Devices and Integrated Circuits:
    • Total Ionizing Dose (TID),
    • Total Non-Ionizing Dose (TNID),
    • Synergistic Effects,
    • Single Event Effects (SEE)
  • Radiation Environments
  • Radiation Test Facilities & Dosimetry
  • Radiation Hardening Techniques (Device, board and system level)
  • Radiation Hardness Assurance
  • Radiation Effects in Photonics, Optoelectronics and Sensors
  • Radiation Effects in complex devices and systems

Authors are prompted to state their preference for presentation (oral, poster, or data workshop poster) and for session. The final category of all papers will be determined by the Technical Committee, which is responsible for selecting final papers from initial submissions.

Accepted papers will be published in the RADECS 2024 Conference Proceedings. Papers accepted for oral, and poster presentation at the technical program will be eligible for publication in a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. Selection for this issue will be based on a separate submission of a complete paper that will be subject to the standard full peer review.

The Radiation Effects Data Workshop is a forum for papers on radiation effects data on electronic devices and systems. Workshop papers are intended to provide radiation response data to scientists and engineers who use electronic devices in a radiation environment, and for designers of radiation-hardened systems. Papers describing new simulation techniques and results, or radiation test facilities are also welcomed. The procedure for submitting a summary to the Workshop is identical to the procedure for submitting RADECS summaries. Radiation Effects Data Workshop papers will be published in the RADECS 2024 Conference Proceedings, but are not candidates for publication in the special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.